Applying for work for the very first time can be an overwhelming experience. Apart from preparing yourself for the qualifying tests and interviews, you also need to submit documents and IDs to establish your identity and credentials. Fresh graduates and even those who are just switching careers can easily get intimidated by the legwork required to complete these documents.
If you are one of the many Filipinos preparing to join the workforce soon, congratulations! Here is an ultimate guide to help you get a head start on the pre-employment requirements you need to prepare.
- Official Transcript of Records
- PSA Birth Certificate
- PSA Marriage Certificate
- NBI Clearance
- SSS Number
- PhilHealth Number
- Tax Identification Number
- Occupational Permit
- First-time Jobseekers Assistance Act
Official Transcript of Records
Whether you are applying for a full-time or part-time work, office, or work from home jobs, your school credentials will always be required by your employer. The Transcript of Records must be duly certified by the school, bearing the seal of the college or university.
You may request for a copy at your school’s College Secretary or Registrar. Fees may apply depending on the school’s rates.
It is wise to get several copies of your PSA birth certificate as some companies and agencies ask for the original copy (instead of a photocopy). You may order for it online and have it delivered to your address.
If you are married, you may be required to submit a copy of your marriage certificate too. Prepare it in advance by ordering online and have it delivered to you. Just like your birth certificate, it is best to get several copies of your marriage certificate so you’re sure to always have one in case you need it. When applying for your SSS, Pag-IBIG, and PhilHealth membership, you may need to present this too.
NBI Clearance
To get an NBI clearance, you need to set-up an account at the NBI Clearance website and set an appointment online. Pay for your clearance fee and be at the NBI branch on the date and time of your appointment. Walk-in applications are not allowed for both first-time and clearance renewals.
When applying for an NBI clearance, you need to present a valid ID. The NBI accepts any of the following:
- PSA birth certificate
- Valid passport
- Driver’s license
- PhilHealth ID
- Postal ID
- Voter’s ID
- PRC License
- Valid school ID
If your name does not get any “hits” (meaning you or someone who has the same name as yours has a criminal record), your clearance should be ready in a few days to a week.
Social Security System Number
Your SSS number will be required of you as soon as you get hired. It is best to already have one before you begin looking for job opportunities. Even blue-collar jobs and online jobs require workers to be members of the SSS so that their contributions are properly remitted to the agency. As an SSS member, you are entitled to sickness and maternity benefits (for female members), as well as pension benefits when you retire.
You may apply for an SSS number online. Just visit the SSS website at www.sss.gov.ph and then click on the icon No SS Number Yet? Apply Online!
An SS number will be generated for you online but you still need to go to an SSS office to complete your registration. Until you can complete your registration, your membership status will be tagged as temporary. You may only avail SSS benefits if your status is permanent.
Bring the hard copies of the ePersonal Record Form, SS Number Slip, and SS Number Application Confirmation email sent to you after an SS number was generated for you. The SSS may also require you to present your PSA birth certificate as well as your PSA marriage certificate, if you are married, and your children’s PSA birth certificates, if you have children.
PhilHealth is the universal health insurance in the Philippines. This is another basic requirement upon hiring, whether you will be deployed locally or abroad by overseas employment agencies.
Applicants may proceed to the nearest PhilHealth branch to personally submit their membership applications. You may also email your duly accomplished PhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF) to actioncenter@philhealth.gov.ph and wait for your PhilHealth ID number to be sent to you.
Being a Pag-IBIG member provides you with an opportunity to acquire your very own home in the future. Membership to Pag-IBIG is a basic requirement upon employment, except maybe for part time jobs for students.
Applicants may register and get their permanent Membership ID (MID) online through the Virtual Pag-IBIG, an online service hosted by Pag-IBIG that allows the public to safely and conveniently access their services using mobile devices or a computer.
Tax Identification Number (TIN)
When you begin working, your salary will be taxed and your taxes need to be remitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). You need a Tax Identification Number (TIN) for the proper posting of your taxes.
To get your very own TIN, you need to submit a duly accomplished BIR Form 1902 (for individuals earning from employment). You may download a copy of the form from the BIR website or pick up a copy at the nearest BIR office.
Submit the form, along with a copy of your PSA birth certificate and any valid ID that has your complete name, complete address, and birthdate to the Revenue District Office of the BIR that has jurisdiction over the address of the company you are applying to or working for. If you are applying after you have been employed, submit a Certificate of Employment as well.
Occupational Permit
The Occupational Permit is required for all types of workers and is now one of the requirements for job application. The application process depends on the Local Government Unit where your workplace is located. Most cities now have their own mobile app that residents, employees, and business owners may download and use for certain transactions such as applications for occupational permits. The Occupational Permit is different for specific group of workers so it is best to check the website of your LGU or visit the city hall for more information.
The First-time Jobseekers Assistance Act or RA 11261

In 2019, the First-time Jobseekers Assistance Act was established to help fresh graduates and young professionals get access to government services and secure their pre-employment requirements from government agencies for free.
Who are qualified to take advantage of the First-time Jobseekers Assistance Act?
The applicant must meet the following criteria:
- He or she must be a Filipino citizen
- Must be a first-time jobseeker and actively looking for employment
- Must be able to present a valid barangay certification and must be a resident of that barangay for a minimum of six months.
Other types of applicants that may be considered as a first-time jobseeker:
- Out-of-school youth
- Persons who are not employed, not enrolled in school or any kind of training
- Students who are on leave of absence and are looking for jobs
- Students who are enrolled in school but would like to work
What types of documents can a qualified first-time jobseeker acquire for free under RA 11261?
- Barangay clearance
- PSA birth certificate
- PSA marriage certificate
- Medical certificate from a public hospital (this does not include laboratory fees and other medical procedures that may be needed to issue the necessary medical certificate).
- NBI Clearance
- Police Clearance
- Transcript of Records from state colleges and universities
- UMID card
- Other government documents that may be required by the employer
Applying for a job can be unnerving. The key to a stress-free job application is to come prepared and with your complete documents in your portfolio. It would help to read about the company and the requirements of the position you are applying for. Keep a positive outlook, be honest and friendly, and don’t forget to enjoy your first job interview.
If you are planning to work abroad or apply for an overseas job, these same requirements will also be asked of you. It is best that you have the basic government-mandated IDs and memberships before you begin your application.
Good luck!