All About E-Certificates
Government agencies and private companies are increasingly accepting digital copies of PSA certificates, transcripts, and financial documents. is leading the charge through our very own PSA E-certificate System. Read more about this innovative approach in document acquisition and submission and how it is raplidly making transactions more convenient and efficient.

How to Order PSA E-Certificates Online for AFPPGMC Pensioners
AFP pensioners and their surviving dependents may order their PSA birth certificate, PSA marriage certificate, PSA CENOMAR, and PSA death certificate online and have the digital copy (e-certificate) sent to the AFPPGMC.

More Affordable PSA e-Certificates for AFPPGMC Pensioners
AFPPGMC pensioners, this one's for you! Get your PSA e-certificates delivered directly to the AFP at a more affordable rate. Read on to find out how!

Beyond Paperwork: Why E-Certificates are the Key to a Simpler Philippines
This blog explores how e-certificates can streamline everyday processes in the Philippines, saving you time, money, and frustration. Imagine applying for documents or verifying credentials with just a few clicks. Read on to see how e-certificates can unlock a simpler Philippines.
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