
General Topics

Our research has explored topics that matter deeply to Filipinos. We've addressed questions such as naming conventions for illegitimate children and the preparations needed for enrolling a child in school for the first time. These blogs offer valuable insights into personal and family-related matters.

Top 5 reasons people order a PSA birth certificate.

Top 5 Reasons People Order A PSA Birth Certificate

These are the reasons why you need to always have copies of your family’s PSA birth certificates.

Prepare a copy of your child’s PSA birth certificate for the upcoming school enrollment

Preparing Ahead for Your Child's School Enrollment: The Ultimate Guide

A detailed discussion about enrolling one’s child, including the list of admission requirements and how parents can easily complete these by ordering their child’s PSA birth certificate online.

Virtual Wedding In The Philippines | PSAHelpline Guide

Is A Virtual Wedding Considered Valid In The Philippines?

A quick discussion on why virtual weddings and online marriages are still not permitted in the Philippines.

PSA Birth Certificate Problems | PSAHelpline

Can An Illegitimate Child Use His Father’s Last Name?

Illegitimate children who are acknowledged by their fathers are entitled to use their fathers' last names. However, being given the right to use the father's last name does not automatically make an illegitimate child, legitimate.

PSAHelpline | The Ultimate Wedding Checklist

The Ultimate Wedding Checklist

The ultimate wedding checklist for all the things you need before, during, and after your big day. Be at your best on your wedding day by keeping an organized list.

School Enrollment Guide | PSAHelpline

From Kindergarten to Confidence: A First-time Parents’ Guide to Enrolling their Child in School

A guide on what to prepare when enrolling your child to school for the first time. Get the complete list of documents and other things you need to prepare if you are a first-time parent exploring the world of preschool enrollment.

SSS Benefits |

Understanding the Different Benefits from the Social Security System

SSS membership provides a financial safety net for Filipinos at every stage of life. It also offers support during maternity, death, and funeral expenses, ensuring your needs and those of your loved ones are taken care of.

Philippine Baptism Guide |

Welcoming Your Child into the Faith: A Guide to Baptism and Confirmation Requirements in the Philippines

Everything you need to know when planning to have your child receive the sacraments of baptism and confirmation. Get the complete list documentary requirements you need to prepare.

World Travel Expo |

World Travel Expo 8: Plan Your Dream Vacation with Discounted PSA Certificates from! is a proud sponsor of the World Travel Expo Year 8! Discover exclusive travel deals and get expert assistance with your PSA certificates. Don't miss this opportunity to simplify your travel planning. Visit us at the World Travel Expo!

Understanding the Latest Birth Statistics in the Philippines

Stay informed about the current state of birth statistics in the Philippines. This article presents the most recent data from the PSA and explains its significance for policymakers and the public alike. Understand the changing landscape of births and its implications for healthcare and education.

Heartbreaking Numbers: Understanding the Philippines' Leading Causes of Death

Explore the data behind the Philippines' leading causes of death based on the PSA's latest report, revealing critical insights into public health. We analyze the statistics, identifying trends and patterns that highlight areas of concern. Discover the specific diseases and conditions that pose the greatest threat to Filipino lives.

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