Frequently Asked Questions

Unclear about PSAHelpline's services or the process for obtaining a PSA birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, or PSA CENOMAR? This page addresses frequently asked questions, providing clarity on ordering, secure payment options, data privacy measures, and delivery policies.

PSA CRS Form Negative Certification

What do I do when I receive a Negative Certification from the PSA?

For cases when your PSAHelpline order for:

  1. a Certificate of Live Birth, a Certificate of Marriage or a Certificate of Death resulted to a Negative Certification
  2. a CENOMAR resulted to an Advisory on Marriages or vice-versa

You may send an electronic copy of the issued document in Security Paper and the OR via email to for evaluation. Please use the Subject Line: "Negative Certification for Validation for Reference No. ____"

After validation and reverification has been confirmed that the certification needs to be replaced, there shall be NO COST for the re-issuance of the certificate. We will deliver the correct document and retrieve the original document issued by the PSA upon delivery. (Source: Memorandum Circular No. 2023-08 on the Processing of Copy Issuance of Civil Registry Documents and Certifications for Free as Pro Bono Transactions.)

On the other hand, after validation and reverification has confirmed that the result is still a Negative Certification, the client is advised to undergo the Endorsement Procedure. Please be guided by the steps below.


  1. Request a copy of your document from the Local Civil Registrar's Office (LCRO) where the birth, marriage or death was registered.
  2. If the requested document is available, request the LCRO to endorse a copy marked with “For OCRG File” to the PSA – Office of the Civil Registrar General (OCRG).

    If it is not available at the LCRO, but the Registry Book has the record of the event, request for a transcription (LCR Form 1A or 3A). PSA-OCRG is indicated in the portion “This certification is issued to ________”.

    Send the document to:

    Philippine Statistics Authority
    3rd Floor CRS Bldg., PSA Complex, East Avenue, Quezon City
    ANS Marizza B. Grande

  3. To get a copy of the endorsed document, set first an appointment online by logging on to On your confirmed appointment schedule, submit the following requirements to the CDLI Application Area, 1st Floor CRS Bldg., PSA Complex, East Avenue, Quezon City:
    • Receipt of Forwarder/Courier (in case endorsed document is sent to PSA through a forwarder/courier, i.e., LBC, JRS, etc.)
    • Certified True Copy of the document from the LCRO
    • Endorsement Letter/Transmittal Letter from the LCRO
    • Negative Certification from the PSA

    A claim stub will be issued by the screener stating the date and time when the document will be released. You can claim the document at the CDLI Releasing Area, 2nd Floor CRS Bldg., PSA Complex, East Avenue, Quezon City.

  4. If the requested document is not available at the LCRO, apply for late registration. Request the LCRO to endorse the late registered document following steps 2 and other 3
Accredited Partner of: Philippine Statistics Authority